Policy Dialogue Series 2023-24
Check out our Policy Dialogue Series organised in conjunction with EdUHK. Topical sessions tackling Hong Kong's economic positioning with regards to China and the world. Hosted by the HKUST Division of Public Policy, the EdUHK Department of Social Sciences and Policy Studies and the Academy of Hong Kong Studies.
HKUST Inter-University Public Policy Case Competition 2024
The HKUST Inter-University Public Policy Case Competition is a flagship event at the Division of Public Policy of HKUST. The Competition aims to provide students with an opportunity to analyze pressing public policy issues and recommend practical solutions to policy makers. The inaugural session was successfully launched in Spring 2019, followed by the second session in Spring 2021.
Seminar by Dr. Yangsiyu Lu
The transition of energy infrastructure is crucial to achieve the carbon neutrality goal. This talk will focus on global fossil fuel power plants and leverage examples of Chinese overseas energy investments. By analysing the role of clean technology in mitigating the risk of stranded power assets and exploring the impact of cofinancing on infrastructure projects, this talk will discuss how to use clean technology to achieve a 'soft landing’ for carbon-heavy assets and strengthen the collaboration among energy financiers to achieve sustainable development of energy infrastructure.
Master of Public Policy
Taught Postgraduate Programs
An interdisciplinary program equips students with knowledge of the full impact of science and technology innovations and professional skills in formulating and implementing innovative solutions to current and emerging global challenges
Master of Public Management
Taught Postgraduate Programs
The MPM program focuses on the managerial and leadership challenges in the public sector and equips students with interdisciplinary perspectives needed for a successful career in the public sector or organizations that work with governments
MPhil / PhD in Public Policy
Research Postgraduate Program
Provides rigorous training in public policy research to academically outstanding students aspiring to pursue a career in policy research and teaching
Case Development Program
The Case Development Program is a pioneering initiative established in Fall 2017 to promote the case pedagogy in public policy education. The Program develops teaching cases which address pressing public policy issues in Hong Kong and Mainland China. The policy areas revolve mainly around four research clusters – science, technology and innovation policy; environmental policy and sustainability; social changes and policy; and China’s development policy.