Policy Dialogue Series 2024-25
Check out our Policy Dialogue Series organised in conjunction with EdUHK. Topical sessions tackling Hong Kong's economic positioning with regards to China and the world. Hosted by the HKUST Division of Public Policy and the EdUHK Department of Social Sciences and Policy Studies.

Five Decades of Reforms for Local Public Services Delivery in the West
In the last decades of the past century, growing criticism of the effects of government intervention in the economy led to a decline in the governments' role in the production of goods and services. In the area of local government and public service delivery, a wave of privatization was the main tool of reform, often through the contracting out of public service delivery. Because the results of privatization were much more modest than expected, other types of reforms have intensified in the first decades of this century. On the one hand, regarding the jurisdiction of the provider (amalgamation and intermunicipal cooperation); on the other, regarding the organization of production (corporatization and remunicipalization). After five decades of local government reform, a local machine-service hybridization is the most common approach to public service delivery.

After the success of the 2024 AP-PPN Conference hosted by HKUST Guangzhou Campus, its tenth annual iteration is awarded to HKUST Clearwater Bay for 2025! Join us to celebrate our 10th anniversary in this collaborative exchange of policy research and expertise.
For more details: https://www.asiapacificppn.org
Master of Public Policy
Taught Postgraduate Programs
An interdisciplinary program equips students with knowledge of the full impact of science and technology innovations and professional skills in formulating and implementing innovative solutions to current and emerging global challenges
Master of Public Management
Taught Postgraduate Programs
The MPM program focuses on the managerial and leadership challenges in the public sector and equips students with interdisciplinary perspectives needed for a successful career in the public sector or organizations that work with governments
MPhil / PhD in Public Policy
Research Postgraduate Program
Provides rigorous training in public policy research to academically outstanding students aspiring to pursue a career in policy research and teaching
Case Development Program
The Case Development Program is a pioneering initiative established in Fall 2017 to promote the case pedagogy in public policy education. The Program develops teaching cases which address pressing public policy issues in Hong Kong and Mainland China. The policy areas revolve mainly around four research clusters – science, technology and innovation policy; environmental policy and sustainability; social changes and policy; and China’s development policy.