Call for Applications : PhD in Public Policy for the 2023/24 Fall Intake for Prof Alex Jingwei HE


The Division of Public Policy at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology now invites applications to a PhD position that is fully funded by faculty research grant. 


We particularly welcome applicants keen to pursue high-quality research in the following research areas:

1) Social policy and reforms,

2) Policy innovation and entrepreneurship, and

3) Ageing-related policy issues.


Aside from the general admission requirements set by the University (please visit the website of the Fok Ying Tung Graduate School for details), we expect the applicants to own training record in at least one of the following disciplines:


1) Public policy and administration,

2) Social security and social policy, and

3) Political science.


Full scholarship is provided by the University for a maximum period of four years. Successful applicant will be supervised by Prof Jingwei Alex He.


Interested applicants are encouraged to submit formal applications at the website of the Fok Ying Tung Graduate School and indicate Division of Public Policy as the prospective host department under Prof HE’s supervision.


The deadline for this application is on or before 15 April 2023. The supervisor welcomes email contact (


Please visit the program catalogue  for the admission requirements and more details.


Apply Now through HKUST’s online application system


Apply Now


Application Deadline: 15 April 2023


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