Abstract: In this talk, the speaker will reflect upon his experience and lessons in applying external competitive research grants, particularly the GRF. He will also share his observations gained as an ‘insider’ by serving on the Assessment Panel of one of RGC’s research funding schemes.
Prof. Alex Jingwei He is Associate Head and Associate Professor of the Department of Asian and Policy Studies, The Education University of Hong Kong. He specializes in social policy, policy entrepreneurship, and health governance. Between 2013 and 2020, he successfully secured various external competitive research grants including two GRF, one ECS, one PPR, and a project funded by the World Health Organization. He also sits on the panel of humanities and social sciences of the RGC’s Assessment Panel for Competitive Research Funding Scheme for the Local Self-Financing Degree Sector.
In May 2021, the University Grants Committee announced the results of the 2020 Research Assessment Exercise (RAE). Prof. He's impact case was among the only two research impact cases unanimously rated ‘outstanding’ (four star)—the top score—by the international expert panel in the entire UoA #25 (political science, public administration, and policy) across the eight public universities in Hong Kong.
Dr He also serves as the Associate Editor of Policy and Society (SSCI Q1) and Journal of Asian Public Policy (SSCI Q1).

Enquires: ppol@ust.hk
Prof. Alex Jingwei HE
Associate Head and Associate Professor, Department of Asian and Policy Studies, The Education University of Hong Kong
Organizer: Division of Public Policy (PPOL)