Professor Naubahar Sharif, Acting Head of the Division of Public Policy, has successfully received two 24-month grants, each worth HK$2 million, to support ethnic minority communities from Phase 2 of the Mental Health Initiatives Funding Scheme of the Advisory Committee on Mental Health.
The first project, entitled ‘Strengthening Family Relationships for Hong Kong’s Ethnic Minority Communities in the Aftermath of the COVID-19 Pandemic’, aims to improve family relationships and enhance personal well-being among ethnic minority families in Hong Kong, particularly in the wake of the recent pandemic.
The second project, entitled ‘Supporting Ethnic Minority Elderly with Mental Health Needs’, recognizes the unique challenges faced by elderly individuals from ethnic minority communities and aims to provide mental health support to elderly members of ethnic minority backgrounds.
In implementing these two projects, the project team will utilize a series of evidence-based activities and initiatives tailored to the different needs of the target populations. For the project centered on improving family relationships, we will create a platform where family members can share their honest thoughts and views about their family members, followed by a series of training exercises in which family members will learn about communication skills targeted to improve their ability to manage family relationships.
Regarding the project supporting ethnic minority elderly, we will encourage participants to share their life experiences followed by a series of physical exercise activities to promote both physical and mental well-being.
These projects will continue the “Every Mind Matters” spirit of the MindMatters Project in which we aspire to communicate mind-to-mind and heart-to-heart with ethnic minority communities in Hong Kong regarding their mental health support. We look forward to the outcomes of these projects and the positive impact they will have on the well-being of those in these communities.
For enquiries, please contact us at yingtung@ust.hk
Address: The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology c/o Division of Public Policy (PPOL)
Room 4339, Academic Building,
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Professor Naubahar Sharif, Acting Head of the Division of Public Policy, has successfully received two 24-month grants, each worth HK$2 million, to support ethnic minority communities from Phase 2 of the Mental Health Initiatives Funding Scheme of the Advisory Committee on Mental Health.