1-2 June, 2023
Since its founding in 2016, the Asia Pacific Public Policy Network has facilitated scholarly communication and exchanges among academics, students and practitioners of public policy across the region. This year, the Division of Public Policy at HKUST is honored to host its Annual Conference for the third time in its eighth iteration at the University’s Clearwater Bay, HK campus. Mindful of current restrictions and constantly evolving travel regulations, the conference will take place in hybrid mode, allowing participants to attend sessions in person as well as remotely.
Conference theme: Public Policy in a Turbulent World
Call for papers and panels:
We encourage submissions that examine the latest understanding of public policy in the context of turbulence and multiple, overlapping and intersecting disruptions. In the last few years, natural disasters, economic shocks, wars and a pandemic (among many other factors), have pushed the boundaries of institutional resilience, management and policymaking. They have taught us lessons about the challenges for policy given contemporary levels of interconnectedness. With this in mind, we welcome submissions of high-quality original research papers (individual or thematic panels), case studies and technical pieces from academics, students and practitioners. We are interested in work that looks at any part of the policy making and implementation process, and especially in the context of one or more of the following:
-Public Policy for Risk Management
-Path Dependencies and System Shocks
-Effects of Risk Perception Before, During or After a Crisis
-Policy and Resilience
-Policy Learning and Adaptation
Proposals for papers must include an abstract (250-word maximum), paper title and author’s name, institution, title and email address. Proposals for panels must include a title, brief overview (350-word maximum), names, institutions and titles of panel participants. Please email your proposals to apppnpaper@ust.hk before 24 February 2023. Notification of acceptance will be issued by 3 March 2023. The deadline for completed papers is 21 May 2023.
Registration information and payment method coming soon!
Conference theme: Public Policy in a Turbulent World
We encourage submissions that examine the latest understanding of public policy in the context of turbulence and multiple, overlapping and intersecting disruptions. In the last few years, natural disasters, economic shocks, wars and a pandemic (among many other factors), have pushed the boundaries of institutional resilience, management and policymaking. They have taught us lessons about the challenges for policy given contemporary levels of interconnectedness. With this in mind, we welcome submissions of high-quality original research papers (individual or thematic panels), case studies and technical pieces from academics, students and practitioners.